Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Myself as a writer

Truth be told, I like to read all manner of books, with the exception of auto biographies. However, my favorite books by far are fantasy novels. Something about the (oft tortured) hero going off on some epic quest to "slay the dragon" or whatever the author decides to call it just grabs me for some reason, even if it is a bit cliche'd at times. I've enjoyed books like that since I was very young, since I had (and have) a rather active imagination.

I like to write the same kind of stuff I like to read-anything supernatural or surreal is my niche'. I also enjoy (and, I think, am fairly skilled at) any sort of novel which involves a political issue, or a situation that arose because of politic (various wars, for example). Unfortunately, I have a bad habit of making my stories a bit too wordy at times, but I'm working on fixing that.

I don't write as often as I'd like too if it's not a school assignment...I always seem to get sidetracked. If I had better control of myself, I suppose I would write once or twice a week.

1 comment:

ben-jamin said...

I like the novel/book choice. You can never beat fantasy themes, I think your political intrests are cool mostly because from what I can tell, not many people really care about politics but it is an important science.